Join us at 11am on Thursday 8th June for the launch of new PASA Guidance on value data for pensions dashboards.
Trustees, managers, administrators and providers of UK registered pension schemes will be responsible for making value data available on pensions dashboards. PASA recognises there’s a need for ‘good practice’ guidance to deal with a number of common issues which arise when deciding how to approach and calculate value data.
Phase one of this guidance will be released on 8th June and covers 20 frequently occurring issues affecting DB and DC Schemes including late retirements, retirement ages and Additional Voluntary contributions (AVCs)
Join us for the launch of the Guidance to find out what is covered, how to use it and what comes next.
The panel welcome any questions you may have in advance of the webinar. You can also submit questions live on the day.
The session is expected to last around 60 minutes and there will be an opportunity to participate in a Q&A session following the presentation.
The presenters